How to List Buyers
If you read the news, it looks like changing laws will soon prohibit sellers from paying both sides of the commission. It appears that we're moving towards a world where home buyers are going to be hiring AND paying their own agents. The good news is that this will guarantee you a commission when a client purchases property and make them loyal just to you. Agents must know how to sell the value of their services to buyers, or they will lose clients to those who regularly practice Buyer-Brokerage. More buyers than ever before want an agent to solely represent them. Agents must become aware of this new way of doing business or they will lose clients to those who regularly practice Buyer-Brokerage.
Some of the benefits of this program include:
Why regulators want buyers to pay their own agents directly.
Making more money by turning away some buyers.
Why buyers want to sign Buyer-Broker Agreements.
Getting paid even when the seller is not paying a commission.
Why buyers’ agents can no longer say their services are “free”
Developing an all-referral business.
Letting buyers show themselves property without fear of losing them.
Getting buyers to sign listing agreements - every time.
Rights and duties of both parties under Buyer-Broker Agreements.
Where to find buyers who will relate to you instantly.
Which buyers you do not want to as clients.
How public access to MLS information affects "Buyer-Brokerage".
How to go from selling real estate to "Client Counseling".
Why buyers are more likely to give referrals than sellers.
How Buyer-Brokerage can triple your efficiency as an agent.
About the Presenter
Michael Soon Lee, DBA, CSP
Michael Soon Lee, MBA, is both a multicultural and marketing expert. He has written numerous books and articles on the subject over the past ten years. Mr. Lee has been a marketing director for the State of California and a producer for the ABC Television Network. He presents marketing programs at national conventions and on satellite television. Michael's multicultural programs are well-known throughout the country for being fact-filled as well as fun.