20 Lead Generators UNDER $20 That Really Work!
You don’t need to spend thousands or even hundreds of dollars a month on disloyal internet leads. You can use simple, inexpensive yet very effective techniques for obtaining buyers and sellers that are actually fun to do! This program teaches the secrets of how to use the most time- and cost-effective methods to reach your best clients without farming, cold calling, or door-knocking.
In this hands-on, interactive program you will learn:
Why you want to have more clients than you can possibly handle.
How to stand out in a market where all agents seem to be alike.
Targeting buyers who are ready, willing, and able to buy… now!
Finding sellers before they have talked to one listing agent.
Getting clients while golfing, playing tennis, or just generally having fun.
Why physical farming can be a waste of time and money for newer agents.
Free ways to make clients aware of your unique services.
Develop a mailing list of your best customers.
Target clients who are most likely to instantly relate to you.
Partnering for maximum impact and minimum cost.
Reaching a totally untapped market… multicultural clients.
Increasing the effectiveness of direct mail by 1,000 percent.
Instantly reduce advertising costs by 53 percent while increasing response.
The real secret to developing word-of-mouth referrals.
How to clearly analyze the effectiveness of your marketing.
About the Presenter
Michael Soon Lee, DBA, CSP
Michael Soon Lee, MBA, is both a multicultural and marketing expert. He has written numerous books and articles on the subject over the past ten years. Mr. Lee has been a marketing director for the State of California and a producer for the ABC Television Network. He presents marketing programs at national conventions and on satellite television. Michael's multicultural programs are well-known throughout the country for being fact-filled as well as fun.